Monday, May 9, 2011

Work in progress

I was working on this group illustration but I'm so stumped by it. I'll have to sit down and figure out an actual plan of attack for this. But for you you can get a peek.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Re-design time!

So this is one of my characters in my comic "Aerial Rave" that I felt needed a redesign. I felt like before it was overly complicated for no reason and quite frankly, I didn't wanna have to redraw that 10 billion times so I made something a little simpler and quite frankly, just BETTER. I'll post the original later on so for now enjoy my sketchery.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sketchbook stuffs!

So I've always been the person to not wanna show people my sketchbook, which is stupid. I am that person no longer. I stopped being that guy about a year or so ago so take a gander and enjoy. I'll post more later on. :)

A quick sketch!

So I was just piddling around in Photoshop while I was making some corrections to my thumbnails for my Skullkickers pages and I whipped this up. I needed the line art for an inking exercise Shawn is gunna do with me in class tomorrow. I decided to do some quick colors on top of it just to keep my skills sharp. I did this in about 20-ish minutes? I dunno, enjoy!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sailor Jupiter!

Yet ANOTHER Sailor Moon post. What can I say? I love this show and manga! Here's sailor Jupiter for your viewing pleasure. This one took about 5 hours total start to finish. I'll post some process work from this later!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon has got to be the series that pretty much started it all for me. If it wasn't for this show and manga, I don't think I'd be half the artist I am today. I've always been apprehensive about doing Sailor Moon fan art because I feel like I can't do Naoko Takeuchi the justice she deserves but I took a stab at it. Overall, I think it came out well. I've been asked by several people to do the other senshi so we'll see what happens if the time permits...While I'm in school that is. Enjoy!

Final Illustration

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Hero of Time!

I did this a little over a year ago so it's kinda old but I still like it. It was the second illustration I did completely digital from start to finish. I enjoy drawing digitally but it takes me a lot longer because I start noodling...I need to stop doing that so this can actually be a beneficial form of working. I've gotten better about it since this piece though.